2022 Ransomware Readiness Report: Overconfident and Underprepared?
Ransomware is pervasive, indiscriminate & causing enormous concern across UK businesses.
In January 2022, we commissioned research across 500 UK organisations with over 2000 employees to understand the perceptions of business leaders on ransomware. We asked the senior leadership of these organisations a series of questions to uncover how concerned they are about ransomware, how confident they are in their organisation’s ability to deter or prevent an attack, how able they are to respond to an attack and to understand the steps they have undertaken to minimise this significant risk.
Our research found that a staggering 58% of respondents have experienced a ransomware attack, and, perhaps worryingly, 67% of those felt the best way to resolve the situation was to pay the ransom.
Given that more than half of respondents reported to have already suffered an attack, it’s not surprising that 94% of organisations are either concerned or very concerned about ransomware attacks. However, 96% of business leaders are confident in their organisation’s existing measures to deter or prevent a ransomware attack, while 95% are confident they have the correct measures in place to respond in the event of an attack, despite 22% not having a cyber incident response plan in place.
A cynic might also say it’s convenient that 48% of business leaders would hold the IT security team accountable if they suffered a breach, while only 22% thought the CEO or Board should be to blame.
Do these findings beg the question, are we overconfident and underprepared?
Download the full report to find out more.